Doogieraz Studios

Monday, November 25, 2013

iPad Mini Me and my own personal Dr. Evil

So... It's happened.

I am now officially an iPad owner.  Not a plain ol' old school iPad owner of the archaic and primitive old days "PRD" (pre-retina display), but of the new  school that has made the tablet more portable, and dare I say, cuuuuute!  AND with retina display, so my very corneas surrounded by my retinas can't even fully process what a PPI really is (pixel per inch) for all you old school iPad owners- that haven't gotten off your rockers and walkers and onto the HD display bandwagon- who seemed to look like you were hell bent on taking over the world with your cultural dominating agendas.
Now, I look at you from afar, in the fast lane, put my fingers up to the viewpoint of your face, and sqeal... "I squish yo' head!!!"

HAHA... Truly, I'm just kiddin.  I'm not truly being a smart ass elitist, I'm merely acting like all the envied iPad owners of my past back in the day when I salivated over the upper echelon of status and techie  hipsters in coffee houses of my recent youth.  NOW I myself, look down upon them a few years later and revel in my flashy sport car tablet of sorts.  Soon, my next stop is a goofy little coffee house in the trendiest setting of gentrified downtown Omaha and blog away to my heart's conent!  MUCH more uppity and condescending posts are surly to follow.

Can world domination be far behind?  Stay tuned and find out- or join me, and let us squish heads together!!!!! heheheheheheheh!